Personal Fitness PAF30/40

Course Description

This course focuses on students developing and implementing personal physical fitness plans. Students are introduced to fitness program planning and a variety of training techniques to enhance physical skills and personal performance. Students will examine various health topics and determine specific factors that not only can affect their health but may also impact their training. Through daily fitness activities students will develop a basic understanding of human anatomy, proper safety and injury prevention, and a positive self-image by maintaining or improving their levels of fitness.
Course Content is delivered through Microsoft Teams and Microsoft OneNote.
Students enrolled in PAF30/40 will have access to a password protected space with class calendars, lessons, tasks, assignments and tests. Our PAF30/40 Class OneNote is updated daily. 
Please send an email to Mrs. Longval if you are interested in more information regarding Personal Fitness, Specialist High Skills Major: Health & Wellness, and/or Link Crew.