SHSM Health and Wellness » SHSM Health and Wellness

SHSM Health and Wellness

SHSM logo Specialist High Skills Major: Health & Wellness 

SHSM Lead: Mrs. Penny Longval

The SHSM— Health and Wellness program provides students with the opportunity to explore career areas and interests in an important economic sector with varied occupational options and with ever growing employment opportunities.  The health care system in Canada currently employs a large number of workers. 
The demand for health care professionals will only increase in the future given the significant number of employees in this sector who are nearing retirement age.  Moreover, the demand for skilled employees in this sector is anticipated to increase due to the aging Canadian population. Students who participate in the SHSM – Health and Wellness will acquire sector-focused knowledge and skills that will assist them in their post-secondary destination of choice in one of the four pathways: Apprenticeship, Training, College, University or the Workplace.
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